
Using computer software programs for the analysis of data has become increasingly popular over the last few decades however it is still an emerging sector. Using statistical analysis, the effectiveness of your business strategy can be determined helping you decide how to delegate your resources in an appropriate and efficient manner.

Statistical analysis can be used on customer feedback to give a clear and reliable idea of what your customers think.

Statistical analysis can be used to identify ways in which staff could work more efficiently.

The use of geographical information systems has been exponentially increasing. The use of GIS is widely documented across most sectors. It has been used extensively in nuclear waste disposal, planning of sea erosion defences, location decision for businesses, measuring and predicting environmental damage and much more. GIS analysis gives a visual representation so is easier for the inexperienced to understand.

I am a third year degree student who has started his own freelance statistical and geographical analysis business. I am proficient in analysis software's such as IBM SPSS, ArcGIS, QGIS, Erdas IMAGINE, R Studio and more. I can use these software's to perform a number of statistical tests and geographical analysis, see the suitability mapping and statistical analysis tabs for specific services. If you are interested in any of the services I can provide please contact me for a price quote. For all contact information please navigate to the contact tab. For all GIS services please give a short description of your project and describe what you would like analysed (Eg. specific factors).

Why analyse?